Saturday, July 9, 2016


Here is a great salad for a cookout during the summer months and is very easy.
Depending on how many that are invited for dinner ~ depends on how many corn cobs to use.  It is best to allow for each person.

First you would either cook them on a grill or even saute them in a pan until it gets a little crisp. 

As this is being done ~ prepare the other ingredients depending on the herbs and vegetables you would like to add.

For my master piece I added some celery, onions, assortment of peppers, basil, parsley, and rosemary (fresh or dry) black pepper, Himalaya salt.

Once I dice it up and put in a large bowl, then I take the corn on the cob and cut the corn from the cob.  Add the corn to the rest of the ingredients.  Almost ready – add avocado oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix all together and there is your masterpiece ~ full of color like the summer flower.

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