Tuesday, March 31, 2015



About Us

Who created this website? A woman with breast cancer and an attitude.

Ann F talks about Healthy behaviorsAlthough this Project began as Ann Fonfa's personal answers to questions (video) on natural(CAM) therapies, it has become a nationally recognized organization, and is now a nonprofit corporation in the state of Florida. (May 23, 2003)and tax exempt, 501 (c)3 as of August, 2003. We are located at 7319 Serrano Terrace, Delray Beach, FL 33446-2215. (561) 749-0084 Best means of contact is email:  annieappleseedpr@aol.com This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From its inception the Annie Appleseed Project decided to Challenge the Existing treatment paradigm, to Question the existing research methods and subjects, and to Propose new directions for both ending with true Integrative Oncology. Thus the program name Cheqpt, designed to bring complementary, alternative therapies to the mainstream as soon as may be, while serving as a place where all ideas are scrutinized.
About 90,000 visitors see our site monthly, and thousands have heard Ann Fonfa, and other of our volunteer advocates speak at various meetings around the world.
Other people with cancer (all volunteers) have gotten involved and produced reports on treatment responses, clinic visits, meetings attended and much more. We now offer financial support to advocates who attend meetings, write reports, hand out our brochures, etc. We need your support to continue to represent the people who use complementary or alternative cancer therapies. Things have improved over the years since we began this work, but it still comes down to each individual with her or his medical team. And insurance does not yet cover CAM.
IRS Filing.pdf  - Download IRS filing document.
Here is Annie Appleseed Project's EEO Policy.  At this time we are an all-volunteer cancer Advocacy nonprofit and have no employees.  We offer our services to all.


The Annie Appleseed Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, provides information, education, advocacy, and awareness for people with cancer and their family and friends who are interested in complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) and natural therapies from a patient's perspective.
Who is the audience for our work? We provide information that helps everyone/anyone REDUCE their risk for cancer (and heart disease, diabetes, and more modern ailments). Our information helps people in active conventional cancer treatment, REDUCE toxicities And we provide information for anyone interested in alternative or natural therapies.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Please sign and share. My passion and goal is to have this option available in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, covered by all insurance companies. Stand up to cancer with me and change the health care industry. You are a drop, but together we are an ocean.


5 Flowers to Plant for Natural Pest Control

There’s a very beautiful thing about Mother Nature that happens when we don’t stuff her with too much gunk: Plants grow and animals live in harmony. Yes, it sounds like a children’s book written in the 1970s, but it’s also a notion that many an organic gardener are getting wise to these days.
Companion planting, a practice used by organic and biodynamic gardeners, is the term given when one plants certain types of plants near each other because they are mutually beneficial. In the case of growing food in a garden plot, there are a number of flowers you can plant for natural pest control. Toss out the pesticides (or wait, maybe you should contact the EPA to find out how to properly dispose of that toxic waste) and instead plant some attractive and aromatic flowers. Ah, that’s biodynamic gardening for you.

What it is: Commonly grown and used for culinary purposes in Britain, borage is an herb still not well known in America. This annual produces star-shaped flowers and is wonderful used in herbal teas, tinctures and leafy green recipes.
What it’s good for: Borage deters hornworms and cabbage worms and can help all plants increase their disease resistance.

What it is: These beautiful flowers are quite common in flower arrangements, as they come in a wide spectrum of colors.
What it’s good for Chrysanthemums contain a chemical called pyrethin that’s toxic to insects but safe for human and animal consumption. Aside from planting these colorful flowers around your garden bed, you can also make a tea from the flowers and use it on root nematodes and to repel Japanese beetles.

What it is: This common soil cover grows as grass does, providing a thin, cohesive layer of green over the soil. There are over 300 varieties of clover to choose from, but the most popular is marked by small green clovers with tiny pink flowers.
What it’s good for: Clover has been known to ward off pests completely when used as ground cover in garden beds. Plant it around cabbage to prevent cabbageworm and aphids from taking hold.

What it is: Known for its delicate, violet leaves and pleasing aroma, lavender is used in everything from potpourri to tea and baked goods to frosting.
What it’s good for: Lavender not only repels pests in your garden, it also smells (and looks) heavenly. It’s used to repel most insects you’d want to keep out of the garden, particularly fleas, moths and mosquitoes.

What it is: Marigolds are a popular garden flower as they are cheap to obtain and contain vibrant orange hues.

What it’s good for: Plant the scented varieties of marigolds to deter pests. The French Marigold variety is recommended for keeping whiteflies away from tomatoes, and they protect the health of the soil under the plants.



Sunday, March 22, 2015




Picture me sitting in front of you reading this information to you.  We are not rag dolls and too often we hear someone dying of cancer instead of hearing how we can prevent this disease from happening or at least cut it in half.  We live in a fast pace world and so many of us believe what we hear and also use what’s on the market because we do not think that our society will harm us.  Wait, I was one of these people and know based on experience how this works.


We need to educate ourselves on the main goal and that is to prevent cancer.  Knowledge if used is power ~ but because we all live in such a quick moving pace there never seems to be enough time to think or to research. I decided to write this for anyone that cares to do something about it.  My hope is that we all can spread the knowledge and live a healthier lifestyle. 


I know this first hand for I had cancer and decided to do something outside the rim of the conventional treatments.  I was told by a highly educated doctor that the first thing that we need to understand is that we can’t change our environment on our own, but we can start to change it in our homes.  So one way is to go all organic.  This just isn’t our foods but also, the products that we use every day. So many items are modified or have chemicals in them that change our body chemistry which can lead to getting cancer.  Another important fact is since we live in a world of hurry with the attempt to get things done like yesterday; our stress levels are high.  We need to meditate and relax so that our bodies do not continue to extract the chemical that can increase the likelihood of getting cancer.  To help in combatting stress so as to cut off this chemical, enjoy a form of exercise.  This could be fun, like take up dancing, walking, or even start playing in a group sport.  Yes, I am saying it.  It’s a known fact that prayer can also help your physical outcome of health.

Prevention is the key.  However; our DNA plays a great role in our behavior and attitude on how we live.  Through all the above findings one can change the DNA and you can stay healthier.


Now, if you or someone you know has cancer there are options out there.  This is the age of communication and it is a big world, look and see what other countries are doing to manage cancer other than cut, poison and burn.  I have studied options for over four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Check out my option www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com  for I have learned that managing cancer is a scientific approach and it’s your blueprint that needs to be changed. 


My goal is to make it FDA approved so insurance companies will pay for this type of treatment, because I believe that we should have options that can be done without breaking our bank account.  I hear from people all the time two responses to what I am writing.  First, I wish I can do what you did, but I do not have the money or if your option would be FDA approved the doctors and the outpatient cancer clinics will go out of business.  I have answers to these remarks.


First, cancer is a money making business, even if we have insurance it does not pay for all the treatments.  At some point it max’s out and you have to pay something out of your own pocket.  So you have to decide what is worth more, your life or the money you put into your treatment. 


Second, I feel that the new age will continue to advance and doctors and the medical industry will grow financially with this option.  Instead of all these chemo clinics, we can have stem cell banks, hyperthermia clinics, ozone clinics.  We need to understand that cancer cells will die with heat and oxygen.  With the new age we need to create new ideas and techniques to use to treat this disease with these two findings. 


I am not saying that people should not totally stop chemo treatments, if that is truly what they believe will cure them.  I am merely suggesting that we have more than one option on the table that our insurance companies will pay for.  For example, mine would pay for the hospital stay in the states for surgery and then after chemo and radiation, but would not cover the hospital stay in Mexico even though it was ten times cheaper.  I did not expect them to cover the non FDA approved treatments, but the hospital stay!!  The fact is that it was cheaper than having to go through the conventional way and the suffering.  It’s funny, but they paid after the fact the MRI’s, CT Scans and lab work that showed the cancer leaving my body.


Please stand up with me and change the thinking of our health industry and help me convince our politicians and physicians that there is a better way to fight cancer without side effects and have immune therapy a type of treatment available to all with the insurance paying even some of it.  We need to not be treated like rag dolls but as human beings.   Let’s share this so that others can start to educate themselves and begin to manage a healthier lifestyle.


Individually we are a drop, but together we are an ocean.   The ocean turns into the sea, which surrounds this big world.  So let’s begin today and talk about it among our friends.  Support this cause and stand up to a better option to destroy cancer.  Thanks



Saturday, March 21, 2015




Why Himalayan Salt is healthy?



Why Himalayan Salt is healthy?

Consuming natural whole salt like Himalayan has beneficial effects on the whole organism. It is believed that Himalayan salt…
– Regulates the level of water in the body
– Supplies the body with nutrients
– Eject excess acid from cells
– A natural antihistamine
– Clearing the lungs supports a healthy respiratory function
– Reduces sinus congestion
– Regulates digestion
– Helps the absorption of food in the gut
– Balances the blood sugar level
– Regulates heart rate and blood pressure
– Preserves the health of blood vessels
– Protects the kidneys and gallbladder
– Helps relaxation and healthy sleep
– Prevents muscle spasms and maintains bones sturdy

Read more: http://www.beextrahealthy.com/what-happens-to-your-body-when-you-consume-himalayan-salt/#ixzz3V3JeTeRi